Beatdown HC + SlamDeath + Youth Crew HC MIDI Bundle
Beatdown HC + SlamDeath + Youth Crew HC MIDI Bundle
- Over 220 different beats with Fills
- All drums were played by Ron D. Rock
- Various bpm’s
- Uses General Midi mapping
- Easily navigable files
Beatdown Hardcore Essentials MIDI Pack
Mid 1990’s saw the evolution of Hardcore with more Metallic edge and the term “Beatdown” came around.
Violent dance music with a groovy edge. Beatdown Hardcore Essentials MIDI Pac offers a good chunk of your favourite pit classics.
Rise up, avengers, rise up!
- SlowKickBoxing
- BackwardBeatdown
- PickingUpChange
- DoubleBassBreakdown
- OriginalBeatdown
- TripletGorillaStomp
- SlowRide
- OriginalToughGuy
- TwoPickingUpChange
Slam Death Metal Essentials MIDI Pack
Mid 1990’s saw the evolution of Death Metal. Low tuning, faster double-bass, faster blast-beats pig squeals, bass taps & sweeps and much more.
Slam Death Metal Essentials MIDI Pack offers a glimpse to that era and offers a wide variety of different blast beats, double bass beats & breakdowns.
Groove List
- BreakdownTwo
- TripletDbBlast
- 3/4Breakdown
- EconomyBlastBeat
- BreakBlastBeat
- HelicopterTripletBlast
- SlamBlast
- DoubleRegularBlast
- PanickyBlast
- TripletEvilBeat
Youth Crew Hardcore Essentials MIDI Pack
Step back into 1980’s New York City, the hometown of Hardcore Music.
Youth Crew Hardcore Essentials MIDI Pack includes all the signature drum beats from that era.
Fast Punk drumming meets Metal Edge. Plenty of Tom buildups.
Dance Hard!
Groove List
- WarriorTom
- WestCoastThrashBeat
- NYCUpbeat
- TomBuildup
- GroovyUpbeat
- Breakdown
- NYCDanceBeat
- TomRoll
- OpenthePitBeat
- ThrashBeat
- WeMustKnow
- ThrashierBeat
System Requirements:
- Drum Sampler (such as KVLT Drums, Riot Drums, EzDrummer, Steven Slate Drums etc)
Demo Preview: