Complete Electronic Music Production For Edm Music Producers TUTORIAL

By | August 18, 2022

Complete Electronic Music Production For Edm Music Producers TUTORIAL

Complete Electronic Music Production For Edm Music Producers TUTORIAL

EDM: Learn professional electronic music production techniques from an expert electronic music producer – produce EDM!

What you’ll learn:

  • Compose and arrange a professional-sounding EDM track
  • Set up a project for optimal workflow and flawless composition
  • Create all elements of EDM including drum patterns, chord patterns, and bass-lines
  • Principal synthesis and synthesiser techniques (ADSR, LFO, Modulation, etc.)
  • Vocal Processing: Doubling, Vocoders, Formant Shifting
  • Arrangement Tips and Secrets to take EDM tracks to the next level
  • Advanced mixing and mastering techniques to get your track signed by labels (phase cancellation, EQ, Compression, etc.)
  • The Intensity Graph Concept for EDM production
  • The Hidden Truth with Compression for EDM


  • Have FL Studio, OR the ability to use another DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
  • Minimal music theory (understand beats & bars, very basic chords & scales)
  • A desire to produce professional EDM tracks

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or an expert producer, this course will teach you fresh and new techniques to take your EDM productions to the next level. After all, we’re never truly finished learning – there’s always something around the corner that we never saw coming! What will you gain from completing the courseUnderstand how EDM is structured, and the musical principles its based upon (binary phrasing, energy, etc.) Effectively structure and arrange a track for optimal flowSet up your project for good workflow Optimise your DAW’s buffer length/size and set the correct sample rate for your projectBe aware of swing time and how it can benefit your productionshow to properly choose layers and build full and fat drum patterns, chord patterns, Leads, vocals, etc. Be able to use automation and panning to create interest for the listenerTune audio to the correct key of your trackManipulate sounds by means of time stretching, formant shifting, vocoding, etc. Tweak and design your own synthesiser sounds using ADSR, Filters, VCO, LFO, etc.Create full and professional transitions that don’t disrupt the flow Be aware of driving elements and intensity line graphsHow to prepare your project for a full mixdownMix an EDM track using EQ, Compression, Saturation, etc.Use plugins to achieve stereo width and depthSidechain elements to each other, including effectsLocate and correct phase issues in your trackAccess to an exclusive Facebook group of fellow students. Receive feedback, engaging discussions, and more!Master your track to the correct LUFS levels for streaming sites such as Spotify, YouTube, Deezer, etc.Additional Content:How to correctly hunt for labels and send your demos Various PDFs and links to additional reading/study3 intensive projects so I can see how well you understand the material, and give you feedback to improve your productions I share everything I know with youEverything I teach you in this course has taken me years to learn. You’re gaining 10+ years of music production knowledge in one complete course. The music industry is an extremely closed and competitive one. I don’t think that’s fair. If more producers were aware of the production secrets behind professional tracks, we’d have a lot more talented musicians in the EDM community! What’s in it for me?Personally, I dislike the competitive community that music producers find themselves in. I want to share my knowledge with other producers so that they may grow, learn, and teach me new techniques as well. I also have a passion for teaching, and whenever I see a student succeed with something, it gives me a great feeling – like an addiction! Requirements:You will need to have a DAW (FL Studio, Ableton, GarageBand) and an ability to use the software to practice the techniques I teach you. You will also need to have a very basic understanding of music theory. Throughout the course, we are tuning our samples and composing chord patterns, which involves knowing the difference between major and minor, and also how notes relate to each other on the scale. For example, ‘G’ is the 5th note of the ‘C’ chord. So if you’re ready to learn professional electronic music production, theory, composition, mixing, and mastering, buy the course and take your skills to the next level. There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you dislike the course, you can receive a full refund. There really is nothing to lose!


Section 1: Introduction & Course Overview

Lecture 1 Introduction & Course Overview

Section 2: Structure & Project Set-up

Lecture 2 Characteristics of EDM

Lecture 3 Breaking Down EDM Structure (Part 1)

Lecture 4 Breaking Down EDM Structure (Part 2)

Lecture 5 Setting Up Your Project

Lecture 6 Optimising Your DAW

Section 3: Building Drums

Lecture 7 Using Swing

Lecture 8 Main Elements of EDM Drums

Lecture 9 Finding Suitable Drum Samples

Lecture 10 Constructing a Drum Pattern

Lecture 11 Using Panning

Lecture 12 Automating Parameters

Lecture 13 Tuning Drum Samples

Lecture 14 Manipulating Drum Samples

Section 4: Building Chords

Lecture 15 Constructing Chord Patterns

Lecture 16 Choosing Instruments for Chords

Section 5: Making & Modifying Synthesisers

Lecture 17 Introduction to This Section

Lecture 18 Synthesiser Components

Lecture 19 Tweaking Synthesisers

Lecture 20 Making Your Own Synth Sounds

Section 6: Building Bass

Lecture 21 Main Elements of EDM Bass

Lecture 22 Constructing a Bass Pattern

Lecture 23 Choosing Bass Sounds

Lecture 24 Making Bass Sounds

Section 7: Building Leads

Lecture 25 Main Elements of EDM Leads

Lecture 26 Constructing Lead Patterns

Lecture 27 Choosing Lead Sounds

Lecture 28 Making Lead Sounds

Section 8: Building Pads & Strings

Lecture 29 Pads vs. Strings

Lecture 30 Choosing Pad Sounds

Lecture 31 Making Pad Sounds

Lecture 32 Choosing String Instruments

Lecture 33 Synthesised Strings

Section 9: Using Loops

Lecture 34 Internal vs. External Loops

Lecture 35 Using External Loops

Lecture 36 Adding Variation to Internal Loops

Section 10: Effects for EDM

Lecture 37 Main Elements of EDM Effects

Lecture 38 Choosing Effects

Lecture 39 Making Effects

Section 11: Vocals

Lecture 40 Introduction to Vocals for EDM

Lecture 41 Vocal Phrases

Lecture 42 Vocal Hooks

Lecture 43 Vocal Loops

Lecture 44 Vocal Chops

Lecture 45 Sampled Vocals

Section 12: Manipulating Vocals

Lecture 46 Introduction to This Section

Lecture 47 Formant Shifting

Lecture 48 Vocoders

Lecture 49 Vocal Doubling

Lecture 50 Vocal Layers

Section 13: Points of Note

Lecture 51 Points of Note

Section 14: Transitions

Lecture 52 Transitions in EDM

Lecture 53 The Easiest Transition

Lecture 54 Drum Fills

Lecture 55 Vocal Shouts

Lecture 56 Instrumental Transitions

Lecture 57 Silence as a Transition

Lecture 58 The Big Hit

Lecture 59 Effect Transitions

Lecture 60 A Combonation Transition

Section 15: Filler Elements & Extra

Lecture 61 Using Filler & Extra

Lecture 62 External Loops as Filler & Extra

Lecture 63 Tone & Drop Blasters

Lecture 64 Synths as Filler & Extra

Lecture 65 Effects as Filler & Extra

Lecture 66 The Reverb Swell

Section 16: PROJECT 1 – Mini Track

Lecture 67 The Mini Project

Section 17: Arrangement Tips for Professional Sound

Lecture 68 Introduction to Arrangement

Lecture 69 Driving Elements

Lecture 70 The Intensity Line Graph

Lecture 71 Forming the Main Idea

Lecture 72 Where to Start

Section 18: Preparing for Mixdown

Lecture 73 Preparing for Mixdown

Section 19: Before we Begin the Mixing Section

Lecture 74 Introduction to Mixing

Section 20: Equalisation

Lecture 75 EQ for Mixing

Lecture 76 How to Use EQ

Lecture 77 The Presence Zone

Lecture 78 EQ for Instruments (Part 1)

Lecture 79 EQ for Instruments (Part 2)

Lecture 80 EQ for Bass

Lecture 81 EQ for Drums

Lecture 82 EQ for Vocals

Lecture 83 Using EQ for Effect

Lecture 84 Mid/Side EQ

Section 21: Compression & Limiting

Lecture 85 Compression for Mixing

Lecture 86 Determining When to use Compression

Lecture 87 How to use Compression

Lecture 88 Compression for Instruments

Lecture 89 Compression for Bass

Lecture 90 Compression for Drums

Lecture 91 Compression for Vocals

Lecture 92 Glue Compression (Bus Compression)

Lecture 93 Multiband Compression

Lecture 94 Limiters

Lecture 95 The Misconstrued Truth with Compression for EDM

Section 22: Saturation

Lecture 96 Saturation for Mixing

Lecture 97 How to use Saturation

Lecture 98 Saturation for Instruments

Lecture 99 Saturation for Bass

Lecture 100 Saturation for Drums

Lecture 101 Saturation for Vocals

Section 23: Reverb

Lecture 102 Reverb for Mixing

Lecture 103 How to use Reverb

Section 24: Delay

Lecture 104 Delay for MIxing

Lecture 105 How to use Delay

Lecture 106 Slapback Delay

Lecture 107 Adding Effects to Delays

Section 25: Stereo Imaging

Lecture 108 Stereo Imaging for Mixing

Lecture 109 Using Panning for Wide Mixes

Lecture 110 Using the Haas Effect (Precedence Effect)

Lecture 111 Microshifting

Lecture 112 Using Reverb/Delay for Depth

Lecture 113 Using Stereo Enhancing Plugins

Lecture 114 Stereo Imaging for Low Frequencies

Section 26: Phase

Lecture 115 Phase for Mixing

Lecture 116 Locating & Correcting Phase Issues

Lecture 117 Phase Issues: Follow-Up

Section 27: Sidechaining

Lecture 118 Using Sidechain for Mixing

Lecture 119 Using Sidechain Compression for Volume Control

Lecture 120 Using Sidechain Compression for Effect Control

Lecture 121 Using Sidechain Compression for Ducking

Lecture 122 Peak Controlling (Other DAWs Can Mimic This – See PDF)

Section 28: Extra Effects

Lecture 123 Extra Effects for Mixing

Lecture 124 Phasers

Lecture 125 Flangers

Lecture 126 Chorus

Lecture 127 Filters

Section 29: Mixing Technique

Lecture 128 Using the Mixer for Stereo Separation (FL Studio Only)

Lecture 129 How to Mix Fader Levels

Section 30: PROJECT 2 – Mixing Project

Lecture 130 Mixing Project

Section 31: Essential Mastering

Lecture 131 Introduction to Essential Mastering

Lecture 132 EQ for Mastering

Lecture 133 Compression for Mastering

Lecture 134 Stereo Enhancers for Mastering

Lecture 135 Limiters for Mastering

Lecture 136 Checking the Track’s Levels

Lecture 137 Rendering The Final Track

Section 32: PROJECT 3 – The Big Project

Lecture 138 The Big Project

Section 33: Wrap Up

Lecture 139 The Valediction

Section 34: Extra Tip!

Lecture 140 Sending your Tracks to Record Labels

Beginner producers who want to get a professional sound quickly,Intermediate/Expert producers who can’t figure out what their tracks are missing,Expert producers looking for fresh tips and techniques

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