MSXII Audio ChopWorks

By | August 2, 2016


MSXII Audio ChopWorks
Size 63 Mb 

Sounds straight from the vault of MSXII. One-shot drums, loops, breaks, original sample compositions and more! This is the stuff you haven’t heard from us. Everything here is to be explored, chopped, and worked within your production! Chop works is a one-of-a-kind kit because it will appeal to every aspect of your production needs! Cop and chop!

Kit Features:

Unheard original MSXII sample content in .wav format
65 vault files of loose breaks, one-shots, idea building loops, original sample compositions, fx, + more
Incredible usability. No filler sounds. Idea inspiring content only
Compatible with all DAWs and samplers that accept .wav format

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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