Orange Tree Samples Angelic Harp For Kontakt

By | May 18, 2016


Orange Tree Samples Angelic Harp
Size 1.77 Gb

We developed Angelic Harp in collaboration with Guy Randle of Rosewood Recording Company, who engineered and oversaw the sampling session. Angelic Harp is an extensively sampled 47-string concert harp, played by harpist Alex Bigney from the Celtic group Kirkmount.

We always aim to recreate the playability of the real instrument as closely as possible. For example, each string on the harp is individually modeled, mimicking the monophonic nature of each string. This allows you to soften loud plucks with subsequent soft plucks. It also prevents the unnatural, excessive tonal build-up that many synthesized harps exhibit when playing glissandos and repeated notes. The adjustable preroll samples capture all the subtle fingernail noises that occur before the main pluck sound of the strings, adding a lot of depth and realism to the harp tone.


– Over 7 GB of 24-bit samples (compressed down to 2 GB using Kontakt’s lossless NCW format).

– 6 1/2 octave range with 4 dynamics and up to 7 alternating round-robin samples.

– Separately-controllable close and room mic signals.

– Glissando system for playing realistic harp glisses between notes.

– Harmonics articulation.

Product Requirements

Available Disk Space
This product requires a total of 3.8 GB of free disk space in order to download and install the sample library. The total size of the download is 1.8 GB, and after installed the library occupies 2 GB.

Native Instruments Kontakt Software
The sample library requires the full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2 or greater, and it is not compatible with the free Kontakt Player.


Part 1
Part 2

Demo preview:=”1″]
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