Sonic Collective Taiwanese Percussion WAV

By | November 13, 2022

Sonic Collective Taiwanese Percussion WAV

Sonic Collective Taiwanese Percussion WAV

Taiwan is a melting pot of musical genres. While local music is influenced by historical Chinese culture, the many aboriginal tribes of the island continue to shape contemporary sounds. For this pack, Found Sound Nation teamed up with Taiwanese percussionist and interdisciplinary artist Sayun Chang, who recorded an assortment of traditional Taiwanese percussion instruments, from the pitched Tatuk (Taiwanese xylophone) and Tutu Djima (bamboo tubes), to untuned drums like the Kuku and the Tatuk Ubung.

Sayun Chang is a classically trained percussionist from Taiwan who is deeply connected to her aborigine lineage and has worked tirelessly in researching and performing her culture’s folk music traditions. Sayun’s work frequently explores the intersection of contemporary classical music and the indigenous rhythms of Taiwan. She is also proficient in a number of world percussion traditions including Ewe drumming from Ghana and matsuri taiko drumming from Japan. Sayun has collaborated widely with artists across a broad range of musical traditions from folk and contemporary classical to experimental, improvisatory performances. Sayun’s practice is grounded in the belief that music breaks boundaries and hopes her cross-genre compositions will inspire connections between disparate cultures.


Tatuk (Taiwanese Xylophone), Tatuk Ubung, Tatu Djima, Tatu Btakan, Kuku

  • •147 one shots
  • •129 loops

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