WA Production What About Massive Wobble House

By | August 3, 2016


WA Production What About Massive Wobble House
Size 41 Mb 

If you have been looking for some dirty and huge NI Massive wobble presets, then this pack is created exactly for you. “What About: Massive Wobble House“ contains 100 perfectly crafted presets that will bring the proper wobble sound to your tunes. If you have been wondering where to get sounds like Skrillex, Diplo or Don Diablo, then this is your answer. Each preset is unique and ready to be used to start rocking your tracks.

The W. A. Production team has also included 1 bonus Ableton template.

Product details:
– 100 NI Massive Presets
– 1 Ableton Template
– 100% Royalty Free

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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